1. The Setting and Purpose of the Gita
2. Arjuna's Dejection
3. Death and Immortality, Asat and Sat, Deha and Dehi
4. The Calm and Wise Hero (Sthitaprajna)
5. Action and Inaction, Sin and Svadharma
6. Desire and Indiscrimination
7. Self-control, Meditation and Regulated Action
8. Desireless Action with Equipoise and Skill
9. Consecrating Work as Sacrifice
10. The Play of Gunas and Delusion of Doership
11. Soul and Nature: Purusha and Prakriti
12. Gunas in Renunciation and Offerings
13. Gunas in Knowledge, Action and the Doer
14. Gunas in Intellect, Resolve and Happiness
15. Purification and Transformation of Gunas
16. Divine Manifestations: Soul Forces, Vibhuti, Avatar
17. The Yoga of Devotion, Bhaktiyoga
18. The Final Supreme Teaching: Immortal Dharma
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