(Published by Tata McGraw Hill)
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(Published by McGraw Hill Education)
The book on Reinforced Concrete Design has undergone regular revisions following its first publication in 1998 - in order to keep pace with developments in theory and practice, and corresponding periodic revisions and updates in the provisions of IS 456 and related codes. We are grateful to students, teachers and design engineers, who have been using this book during the past two decades, for their feedback and suggestions, which have also contributed to the evolution of the book. Additional topics have been introduced in every new edition of the book.
Chapter 1 introduces the concepts of reinforced concrete structures and structural systems. Chapters 2 and 3 discuss the basic material properties and basic design safety concepts respectively. Chapter 4 deals with the elastic and inelastic behaviour of reinforced concrete beams under flexure. Chapter 5 discusses the design of beams and one-way slabs for flexure. Chapters 6, 7 and 8 explain design for shear, bond and torsion respectively. Chapter 9 deals with analysis for design moments in continuous systems, while Chapter 10 discusses serviceability limit states: deflection and cracking. Chapter 11 explains in detail the design of two-way slab systems whereas Chapters 12, 13 and 14 discuss the design concepts of staircases, compression members, footings and retaining walls. The short-length Chapters 15 and 16 provide useful information on good detailing, construction practices and special provisions for earthquake-resistant design. Chapter 17 explains some selected special topics such as design for shear by compression field theory, design by strut-and-tie method, and fire resistance. The new Chapter 18 covers the design of liquid storage tanks, with a focus on limit states design, while the new Chapter 19 explains the estimation of forces due to wind and earthquake on buildings using the latest code provisions.
This book lays great emphasis on conceptual clarity and strength in fundamentals. The student is encouraged to raise questions, to relate to field experience, to develop a 'structural sense', to appreciate proper 'documentation' and 'detailing', to analyse results and to synthesize knowledge; and the 'design-build-test-analyse-report' type laboratory projects now introduced will help practice such capabilities.